“Nuts” Isn’t The Word….

This election cycle keeps getting more and more crazy.

First, Michele Bachmann announces she is running for President and wins the Iowa Straw Poll (which is pretty easy for religious-right candidates to do) and then Texas Gov. Rick Perry announces he’s running. Oh yeah, he also held a prayer conference/rally in Houston where he invited America’s other 49 governors to come hear crazy, bigoted rants from religious zealots who believe it is their job to radically change the United States…and that Oprah is the harbinger of the Antichrist and gays are evil. So much for separation of church and state.

As I’ve written about before, Bachmann is a darling of the religious far-right. Her pseudo-therapist husband was busted for practicing conversion therapy at his Minnesota office. Conversion therapy, in case you aren’t familiar with it, is a medically unsound, mentally dangerous practice where a doctor tries to change the sexual orientation of his or her patient. The American Psychological Association and several other professional, credible organizations all condemn conversion therapy as dangerous. But to a woman who believes gays are a “part of Satan,” what ever those “secular” organizations have to say is irrelevant to Bachmann and her husband.

Earlier this month, Gov. Rick Perry held a prayer rally called “The Response,” where various evangelical speakers and leaders prayed for the nation to “come back to God.” This event may have looked like a modern conference with large television screens, good lighting and special effects, but it contained the same fire-and-brimstone rhetoric that “old-time” preachers and televangelists have been spewing for decades.

I could simply provide the incredible quotes of the loons who helped put on The Response. However, I think seeing and hearing them makes more of an impact…

This goes far beyond politics. Debating on what the tax rate for the richest Americans should be is one thing. Believing that we’re living in the “end times” and that gays, feminists, liberals, and any other group that is not a part of the religious right are all evil is completely different. Exactly how can you be an effective leader when you see your opposition as evil? Where does the insanity stop? If you think you’re chosen by God “bring America back to God,” what’s to stop you from trying to abolish the First Amendment or use the power of the law to discriminate against whole groups of people?

Please, GOP, PLEASE nominate someone who is not Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry. I realize the Tea Party and Moral Majority made you nutty, but please don’t embrace and promote such extremists as candidates for the most powerful position in the world. Sincerely, the rest of the world.

My Two Cents on Bachmann’s Extreme Beliefs

The more that is revealed about Michele Bachmann and her beliefs, the more insane the thought becomes that she could become the presidential candidate for a major political party in the United States. “Crazy Eyes” is not only far from the mainstream, she’s downright dangerous to our democracy.

For example, Bachman adheres to Dispensationalism, the fundamentalist Christian belief that the return of Jesus Christ is nigh. This eschatological system flourished in the early 20th century in direct opposition to rapid societal change. Rather than adapt and accept new attitudes and scientific discoveries, dispensationalists formed religious denominations, such as the well-known Assemblies of God, and closed themselves in from the rest of society

This explains why in the year 2011, we still have people who believe the earth is 6,000 years old, Darwinian Evolution is false (despite the massive amounts of evidence), homosexuals can be “cured” or should even be arrested and/or put to death and that women belong exclusively in the home. It also explains why in early the 21st century, despite great scientific, technological and societal advances, millions of Americans believe that the end of the world is near.

Bachmann had this to say in 2006 while praying for a friend’s anti-gay ministry:

Lord, the day is at hand. We are in the last days. You’re Jehovah God. We know that the times are in your hands and we give them to you, but we also, Lord, are astute enough to recognize the blossom on the fig tree is opening. The day is at hand, Lord, when your return will come nigh. Nothing is more important than bringing sheep into the fold and bringing new life into the kingdom.

When someone believes that the return of Jesus Christ is “nigh,” we simply call them “nutty.” However, when someone who sounds like a crazy televangelist is close to becoming the most powerful person in the world, it is frightening. Who cares about diplomacy, global stability, making the world a better place or advancing humanity into a global civilization when Jesus is comin’ ’round the mountain?

It should also come as no surprise that Michele Bachmann’s husband, Marcus, has been exposed as a fraudulent therapist. His “quality, Christian counseling” office was busted for practicing reparative therapy, a dangerous and unsound “treatment” aimed at curing patients of their homosexuality. The American Psychiatric Association, The American Medical Association, The American Psychological Association, The American Psychoanalytic Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics and The American Association of Social Workers all state that sexual orientation cannot, and should not, be changed. But who cares what they say? They’re just evil, secular organizations bent on destroying the American family and bringing about the Anti-Christ, right?

Mrs. Bachmann shares her husband’s sentiments on homosexuality, claiming homosexuals are in “[spiritual] bondage” and a “part of Satan.” And this woman wants to be President of the United States of America??! (She has said countless other insane things, as I’ve written about here and here)

Michele Bachmann may be a favorite of the religious far-right, but she’s bad news for the rest of the country and the world. The thought of someone like her in control of the nation’s nuclear arsenal and military is frightening. The thought of someone like her directing any kind of policy should be enough to make anyone vote against her.

Crazy Election Theatre: Enter Michele Bachmann From Far-Right…

As the 2012 Presidential Election draws near, political craziness has been exponentially increasing. Mitt Romney’s short-lived campaign has essentially been decimated by fellow Republicans. Newt Gingrich has been abandoned by his own staff. Small government, libertarian conservatives are sparring with big government, social conservatives over issues like same-sex marriage and what the tax rate should be. So far, the Republican side has Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Huntsman, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum…..and Michele “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann.

Michele Bachmann’s Crazy World

I didn’t really pay much attention to far-right Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann until I read some of the things she’s said.

Now, I’m sure she’s a nice person and I’m pretty certain she means well. But some of her outlandish statements cannot be ignored…so I decided to write a blog post on the more “memorable” ones.

This snippet explains her view – and denial – of global warming…

“Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.”

Okay, so she ignored the mountains of evidence from countless experts in their respected fields in the area of climate change. But wait…it gets better…

‎”I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.”

I should note that during the 1976 outbreak, Republican President Gerald Ford was in power.

Then, there’s her insistence that many Nobel Prize-h0lding scientists believe in Intelligent Design (aka “creationism”)…

‎”There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.”

Since the overwhelming majority of scientists who hold Nobel Prizes are either not religious or atheists, I find it incredibly hard to believe that there are several who are creationists. Regardless of how you feel about the issue, Bachmann should have done her homework before citing imaginary statistics.

Another fumble-with-the-facts statement made by Bachmann…

‎”I don’t know where they’re going to get all this money because we’re running out of rich people in this country.”

Interesting: studies over the past half century have actually shown that of the three groups – rich, middle class, poor – it has been the rich who have been the best off. During good times and bad, the rich are able to survive better than any of us…although they may have to “sacrifice” a yacht.

And of course there’s Ms. Bachmann’s not-so-subtle homophobia. She’s made some rather insulting remarks about homosexuals over the years, essentially calling them mentally ill degenerates. But the following quote reveals how deep her paranoia is…

“…what a bizarre time we’re in…when a judge will say to little children that you can’t say the pledge of allegiance, but you must learn that homosexuality is normal and you should try it.”

So, in a society where an overwhelming majority of the population is heterosexual and portrayals of romance in the media are overwhelmingly heterosexual, Bachmann believes that treating all people equally under the eyes of the law will lead to judges telling us to try gay sex. Makes perfect sense…

As comical as this list of quotes is, it is also frightening. These wacky statements were not made by a town drunk, Glenn Beck or Tony Perkins but by a congresswoman. This woman is one of the few people running the country. My two cents: That should scare anyone.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN)